If you haven't already the time is here for the first lawn mow of the year. And in this time of self isolation having a garden you can enjoy whilst you get some vital Vitamin D is important
Or perhaps you just want an outdoor space to exercise in until the gyms reopen.
If you aren't able to get outside yourself then you can still get a professional in to mow your lawn. They can arrive, mow the lawn and take payment via bank transfer so you never have to be in contact with them.
However if you are going to mow the lawn yourself we have a bit of advice to help you out.
We have had goodness knows how many storms over winter, which could have blown all sorts of detritus on to your lawn
Stones, twigs, rubbish could all have blown in to your garden and be hidden by the grass
So give your lawn a quick once over before you break the mower on it
If you have a lawn mower that has been around since God was a lad then chances are the blades have gone a bit dull
Dull blades lead to sloppy cuts or missed bits of grass
You don't have to be a blacksmith here, if the blades look a bit dull then give them a quick sharpen.
We have had a lot of rain, and doubtless there is more to come, it's important you try to mow when the ground is at its driest
For two reasons
1. Wet grass does not cut or collect as well, meaning bits of grass will not be cut whilst other bits will have cut grass dropped on the ground, eventually causing thatch
2. On wet ground the lawn mower can sink a little, meaning it is cutting lower than you intended and hurting the plant
After months of the lawn mower sitting dormant it is tempting to go hell for leather and give it a good scalping.
However if you cut too much off in one go it weakens the plant and lets weeds, clove and moss creep in.
To keep it simple the blades of grass catch the sunlight which feeds the plant, if you suddenly cut off too much of the blade, the plant can't produce enough food for itself and it weakens.
If you gradually shorten the length of grass over time the plant adapts rather than shocks.
So for the first mow, mow as high as you can and then gradually reduce the height with each subsequent mow until you get to the desired height.
I think that's enough to be going on with for now, if you have any questions just drop us a message, whilst our services cost money our advice is free.